Good day
I have been running into an issue consistently and is one I have observed in some released titles using the engine. The issue is that when the player is close to an object, the collision of the object does not seem to apply. For instance when a gun is pressed right up against a rock the bullet fires right through the rock, or when an axe is swung at a rock from close range it does not collide with the rock, it simply swings through it. A solution to this problem would be very appreciated. I have enabled a collision on the gun itself (developing an FPS), but that did not solve the problem when the gun is placed against the object. I have also tried creating a volume at the end of the barrel with the function that if that is overlapping any object then the gun cannot fire. This worked to an extent but fails when you are attempting to fire through a hole or certain vegetation or if the weapon is pushed against an enemy player. Further I was not happy with this solution as it is not very realistic that the gun just won’t fire when at point blank range. I am not sure if this is a bug in the engine or if I am missing something important. If needed I will take a screen capture of the error and attach it to this post but I hope I have made myself clear and concise enough, thank you very much.
Thats because you are already inside the Collision. If you want the bullet to hit you Offset spawn it closer to your Character and not at the end of the Gun. But I Preffer to Messure the Distance with a Linetrace towards whatever you Pointing at. If its to close Pull the gun towards your Character Body and disable fire so you have a Visual Clue for the Player that he is literally hugging a Wall or something =)
Another method is to Spawn the Bullet and instantly do a Overlap check. If its already overlapping something move it back until it does not and preceed as usuall afterwards.
Ahh okay that makes sense, many thanks