Hey there,
on a project i am currently working on i noticed that some of my collision meshes are colored differently ingame if i enable the Player Collision. I found nothing on this topic on the official documentation so i thougt that maybe someone on this hub would know something about it
Hi BeeHive,
What did you do to get this colored view for your collision? I’ve not run into this viewmode before and I can look into a little more if I know where to start. There may be something in the documentation as well, but just not clearly listed or it may not be listed, to which I can definitely bring this to our Documentation Teams attention for improvement.
Hi ,
this option is right below the view modes. it would be great to know if the different colouring is indicating something
Ah, thanks! I’ve seen it just never used it for any of my testing.
There is no documentation for this that I could find specifically aside from the documentation in the editor by hovering over Player Collision and press Ctrl+Alt to expand the explanation.
Green = Static Meshes
Volumes = Pink
BSP/Geometry Brushes = Violet/Grayish
I looked at other types of meshes and different collision settings, but only ever saw these colors represented.
Thanks , i didn´t know that you can press Ctrl+Alt to expand the explanation
now i know that the colors aren´t indicating some sort of error in the collision^^ thats good to know
The color coding is actually related to the Mobility state.
Light Blue = Static
Dark Blue = Stationary
Purple = Movable