Collision is incorrect with spline mesh

I’ve got a simple cube that has a 6-sided collision mesh (generated in UE4) and I’m using it as a spline mesh and updating it’s deformation via a construction script.

In the editor, the collision mesh appears to be deforming along with the cube correctly as you can see, however, upon launching PIE the object behaves as if the collision mesh is not being deformed. -You can walk through the object, except in the location that the un-deformed mesh would have been sitting had I not deformed it via the spline.


Thanks for your report. I am investigating this issue and have a question for my test. I have some things set up, but they are distorting their collision properly.

Can you show me what this looks like when you turn on the Viewport’s Show Bounds? I would like to see where the collision ends up if it is not moving/skewing properly. Also, can you show me the components settings for the mesh if anything has been altered?


, It’s really hard to see in the first picture but in the preview it does show the collision object in blue and it does appear to be distorting correctly in the editor, it just doesn’t act like it when you launch PIE. Here’s a screenshot of the bounds like you asked. I’m not doing anything fancy with the mesh component beyond the defaults.

Oddly enough, even before I distort the object with the spline, the collision seems like it’s messed up:


It’s happening someplace in the blueprint because if I place the mesh in the world without using the BP, it collides as it should.

I recreated the Blueprint based off of the images you have provided, but I have collision at the ends of my spline mesh.

Here is what I set up in my Blueprint construction script:

And when I place that into the world and stretched it out, I was able to walk over everything, generate navmesh on it and then I tried doing a hit trace:

Are you doing this in a Third Person project by any ? Can you show me a screenshot of what it looks like when you are seeing the collision failure in PIE? If it seems like I am doing anything differently, please let me know.

If the wall stops your vehicle from moving through them, then no. I’ll assign a more vehicle savvy technician to look into the issue you have posted.

Hi ! Could this be related to my problem here? How do I implement vehicle collision with spline mesh? - World Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums