Collision for Sphere Component

Hi everyone, I started using Unreal only a few month ago and I think there is some subtleties about collision I don’t understand.

Here is my TeleportingGuide, is only objective is to chase the player. I am using it on some IA, they spawn a guide, the guide chase the player, then the IA teleport itself to the guide location. I am not sure it is the best method to make a teleporting IA, and I am not sure I will keep this one but I want to understand.

One of my main issue is that I don’t want the guide to be too close from each others, because I don’t want IA teleporting into each others.
So my idea was to give to my guides a sphere component, named “repulsion sphere”, those spheres was supposed to ignore everything except for other repulsion spheres, which the collision is set on “block” :

But when I am in game they just don’t really care :

Someone can bring me light about why my sphere can still pass through each other ?

PS : is Environement Query that experimental ? Documentation says not to use it in a real game, but it is a real issue if only one of my IA use it ?

EQS is really not beginner friendly imo. I suggest you check out Avoidance settings on Character Movement Component.

Also, if you do not want the AI to teleport/interact with each other you can add Actor Tags! They are very useful for situations like this.

On your AI/Character Blueprint, head over to Class Defaults and search for tags. Add any tag you want, for the player character “Player” and for the AI, “Enemy” or what-so-ever.

Then, you on the sphere overlap component, you can use this node to check the tags of whatever is overlapping:

With this logic you can simply make your AI just interact/teleport the actors with the tag “Player”.

Thank you !
I really think this will help me, and not just on this case.

But still, I don’t understand what I am doing wrong in this case precisely, why my collision did not apply correctly ?