Collision for skeletal meshes in Wheeled Vehicle

Looks like I found the reason of abnormally high speed of reverse gear. When I changed chassis width and height from 2000-800 to the default values, problem disappeared… But I don’t understand why this caused such a problem.

Just to note, the ticket created is UE-35184

Thanks, ! Do you plan to solve other problems, which I listed above?

Hi Kelheor,

We generally don’t like to dive into other issues on a post. It makes it difficult for others to search and find them. Please enter your other issues as a new Answerhub post.

Ok, but my main issue was in a collision for skeletal meshes. You’ve created a bug ticket for another thing(so you’re already dived into other issues), which was supposed to be a temporary workaround to fix that issue. That’s why I think you have to add at least a ticket for a bug with collision for skeletal meshes, which collide with objects without simulated physics. I will add bug reports for another bugs in a new threads.

I’ve entered UE-35599

Hi. Now I’m working with the same problem… Unfortunately I didn’t find answer here (and the ticket was closed).
Did you resolve it? If yes - can we chat directly (I’m from RU too)…?

Hey tangenki,

We’ve removed feature requests from the public tracker. Anyways, UE-35599 was marked as “Won’t Fix” as a feature we are not planning to support at this time.

From the internal comments, it sounds like we really only plan to support welding of static mesh actors at this time.