Collision for skeletal mesh that is not a character

Hello everyone,

I’ve designed a custom door and animated in Blender, now that I exported to UE5 for a ArchViz project I realized there is no collision in it, my first person character just walks through it. I spent hours watching videos and reading forums but I’m still not understanding what I need to do for it to get solved. Anyone has some idea?
This is how my physics asset is looking like:

Hey there @Dedeshius1! What are the collision settings for the SKM actor in scene? To find this go into your BP you have this housed in and go to the Skeletal Mesh Component and filter it’s details for collision.

This should be set to block all if you want it to block all collisions.

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Oh I didn’t thought about that, it solved my problem instantly! Thank you very much!

Now I seem to have another problem trying to fit my geometry into the box shape collisions, the engine don’t let me scale down less than this, it’ll be even worse for the door panels…

Is it something that I’m missing?

The physics asset editor has some hard limits on the scale tool based on the minimum size of the bones set for it’s body creation. Try lowering that, then set the primitive type as box, then hit regenerate bodies.


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It solved the door panels instantly, nice! Although something weird is happening with the wall mesh, the box collision is seeming angled in relation to the wall. That would be no problem if I could scale down the Y axis, but I can’t…

Could be the bone rotations, are they perfect angles as well as the mesh? You could try regenerating to disable auto-orient to bone and see if it corrects the shape if so.

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Yeah I realized some bone rotations where off, so I worked on it and reached some better results, but in the end, as the wall doesn’t move at all, I just tought it would be better to make it a static mesh. Now the collisions are exactly the way I wanted.
Working on this for the first time made me some great learning.
Thank you again for the support!

Absolutely understandable! Most people that make doors like this really only need SM functionality as you can rotate the panels individually if you wanted. Sometimes you come across archvis/engineering visualizations that was hyper specific animations for their goals, and many of those tend to use hard surface SKMs for their animation qualities but they are definitely rarer! If that concludes your question, you can mark your own last comment as a solution just to show people who find the thread in the future they may just want to go with SM over SKM.

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Idk if a said it clearly, but I ended up using both SKM and SM. SM for everything that doesn’t move and SKM for everything that moves on the animation, with that method I was able to reach the best collision results : )

I’m marking this comment as solution, for everyone that may have the same problem:

  1. Check your blueprint’s collision settings and set it to block all.
  2. Experiment with the PhysicsAsset’s Body Creation settings.
  3. Check the bones in your modeling program.
  4. Understand what should be SM and what should be SKM.
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