Collision for attached actors

Hello. I’m having issues with collision on attached actors. Basically, I have BP Actors on my scene that I can move around with a gizmo. The way it works is that when I select an Actor and press “R”, the gizmo shows up and then attaches the selected actor to the gizmo. I’m unsure on which direction I should proceed with this. I’ve read some similar topics here but none of them seem to work on my end. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you very much!

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What I wrote last time

IMPORTANT!!: if your collision if weird, set “multi body overlap” to true in the collision settings of the mesh

(i know it has been a year)
i did a bit of experimenting, seems like if you attach CHILD to PARRENT, you can’t set the collision response of CHILD, in my use case i found a work around that doesn’t involve setting the collision response of CHILD(or you could set the collision response of CHILD before attaching), i’ll update this if i find anything else

edit: It seems like “set collision object type” works with the CHILD; but "set collision response to channel " doesn’t if you are setting it to overlap, but does if you are setting it to block??

edit: bruh, it’s been 6 months(apr 27,2024) and I forgot this “feature” existed, and spent 4 hours on finding out why my code isn’t working

Ok I’m rewriting this, since a lot of the stuff I assumed turned out to be false

set “multi body overlap” to true in the collision settings of the mesh, this fixes a lot of issues, and that’s a all

nvm it seems like:

if you attach CHILD to PARRENT, you can’t set the collision response of CHILD, in my use case i found a work around that doesn’t involve setting the collision response of CHILD(or you could set the collision response of CHILD before attaching) or something weird

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