Collision doesn't work

I’m creating the kratos axe system but the collision doesn’t wok, the axe doesn’t stop when it collides with the wall but goes forward

Static Mesh Collision Settings:

Collision Component:
![Immagine 2023-01-04 204805|690x388]


p.s. I just started using unreal

Collision Component:

What method are you using to propel / throw the axe?
ok so I see you are using projectile movement
What speed does the axe have?
If it’s very high then you should consider turning on USE CCD (continuous collision detection) for the axe collider.
Projectiles aren’t physics based so the physicsBody object type might be messing up detection (I’ve never used that combo for a projectile unless it’s pure physics based)

I don’t have any help to offer, but I want to give you a link to my post here, which I believe is effectively the same situation.

How to use Collider component (eg CapsuleCollider)? - Development / Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums (

I’ve spent hours trying to figure out why the collision doesn’t work and nothing makes a difference. If I come across an answer I’ll try to remember to comment here.

Made a quick scene with an axe throw and retrieve mechanic.
If you have hit or overlap then your receiving actor / static mesh has to generate the event (overlap or hit) for it to register.

Ok made a revised version that handles OnHit events. No need for the overlaps in this one.

initially I used 4500 / 1500 then after realizing that the ax didn’t collide I tried with 100 to see exactly where the ax was going and if actually there was something wrong

Thanks so much

if you want you can download the 3dRaven project to see any errors

Seems projectile collision only registers if the collider is the root for some weird reason. Otherwise you have to go with overlap events which is not ideal.