Collision doesn't update in level editor

i hava actor which set this.

i use a boolean for dynamic change mesh collision.
then a put the actor to level.
then check to true, then run, but collision doesn’t change.
the boolean default value is false.

Does the torch mesh actually have collision? If you look at it in the static mesh editor.

When you set the “Is Interactor” is must be in the world not in the BP editor.

yes, i test many times.
when i set the default value false to boolean, works fine.
when i set the default value true to boolean, works fine still.
but need to delete the actor in level, then put it back, collision doesn’t auto update.

yes… in world.

i create a new test.
really doesn’t update…

If the mesh doesn’t have collision, nothing will ever happen…

take look in my new test.
my operation.
put the actor to world. then run…
if the default value of boolean is false. that no collision.
then i select the actor in world, then change the boolean to true. then run.
the collision still no collision.
check boolean in world doesn’t change anything.
only when i set default value to true in bp, then run, collision can trigger. and must delete actor in world, put a new actor to world.

i test again.
it can dynamic update enable collision to no collision.
but can not update no collision to enable collision.

Now I remember. You have to put this on Begin play…

ok, ur raight.

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A fancy way is:

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