Collision doesn’t want to work when it’s not the root element.

Collision doesn’t want to work when it’s not the root element. But if you make it root, its orientation breaks.

If you change from “No Collision” to an actual collision response, chances are that you’ll get a collision response!

I turn on collision in blueprint after launching projectile
I would like to understand how to make a working collision so that it is not a root component

“Set Updated Component” saved me)

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A delay like that is almost guaranteed to cause race conditions and other badness in your game.
If there’s a particular thing that needs to happen at a particular time, you should change it in the appropriate callback inside either the actor or the component.

The projectiles don’t work right if the collision is not the root.

That’s due to their code. Nothing you should do about it either.

By default, they magically work at any speeds so long as you aren’t simulating physics on them.

When simulating physics (cannon ball like), then you get problems of all sorts you need to try an account for.
To the point you just dont.
You use something like predict projectile path instead and sort everything out based on a mathematic model rather than a really really bad engine driven Chaos tainted physics simulation.

Thats your gizmo that is showin you something other than Global.
Bottom left corner shows you X forward is correct.

If your gizmo is in global, the the rotation is something you manually caused when placing the collision in.

Also, anything with collision can work as a root - you aren’t forced to use simple objects or engine collision components - at least not in .27 and before…

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