Collision Box not working

I added a box collision to my character and I set it to block everything, however it’s not working.
I made sure that the collision presets and the object type is set right. Is my character’s movement forcing the box to not collide?

I think you’ll find that only the capsule collision works with characters… :-/

My character can pick up guns. How can I make them collide with objects? I don’t want my guns clipping and I’m not changing the size of the guns or the capsule.

The character collision only works with the capsule, it’s part of the limitations of using a character written by someone else.

Gun clipping is a whole topic, there are various solutions, including using WPO to make it look like the gun isn’t touching the wall.

You could always write your own character, then you have total control.

I’m a comeplete beginner, and writing my own characters seems like a lot(It might not be… I don’t know). I’ve been searching for a solution for gun clipping, but no luck so far. I need a starting point. How can I solve gun clipping while having projectiles spawn from the barrel of the gun. I don’t want my bullets to go through thin walls… Any ideas?

The two most elegant solutions I’ve seen are

  1. Moving it back when you get near a wall
  1. Offsetting the material when near objects

I’m not at a proper machine right, so excuses if I got the wrong clips…

Just put ‘ue4 gun clipping’ into youtube…

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I’ve seen the first video with the material before and it works, but if i’m close to a thin wall, the bullets will go through. If I wont be able to fix it, I’ll do something similar to the second video.
Thank you for the reply!

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You could put a bit more logic in the player. Don’t fire if you’re near a wall.

Or even better, make it hurt the player :slight_smile:

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I made the camera twice as small, and set the bullets to ignore the player, but after ending the overlap if the bullets hit the player they do damage. This solution has some flaws, but I’m not planning to add legs or have the player looking down regularly. Thanks!

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