Collision box for allowing building and disallowing building when player is in or out the collision.

Hi. I wanted to know how to create a collision box so that whenever a player enters, he will be able to use building system and when he leaves or exits the collision box he will not be able do use the building system. Thanks!

Hey @MangoPenguin2601!

It sounds like what you are looking for is a trigger box. Check out this non-Epic affiliated basic overview of how to set them up:

You will want two events. On event begin overlap and on event end overlap.

I hope the above is the solution you need!

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Thanks I’ll check it out when I get home

Hey @MangoPenguin2601!

Checking in! Did the above solution work for you?

Hi, again. I am currently on a work trip. I am going back home soon and it will be the first thing that I do.

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Hi again. The video you sent me helped a lot. After watching the video I understood exactly how to do what I need. I simply created a new actor, then in the actor i created a collision sphere and named it BuildingZoneCollision. After that I went to my third person charater blueprint and I created a check "is player is in the building zone " using the node “Is overlapping actors”. Anyway thanks for your help! @Quetzalcodename

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