Hey @The_Legendary_27! Welcome to the forums!
So I’m assuming the Jump Max Count integer variable needs to be one that is on the Sandbox Character? If so you need to drag off “As CBP Sandbox Character” and use “Set Jump Max Count”. The way it is now, it’s saying to set Jump Max Count on the actor that is calling this, which is not your Sandbox Character, it’s whatever actor has the collision volume here.
Hope that helps!
Makes sense, I got lazy and setup a seperate collision box, my game is a mish mash of tutorials and free assets anyways xD thank you for the advice and I am happy to be here working as a solo dev so the assist is clutch
@The_Legendary_27 Can you confirm which blueprint the above script is in?
I got lazy and setup a separate collision box actor
But that’d be the right thing to do - depends what collision box we’re taliking about - the player’s or the pickup that increases the jump count. Assuming the scenario is:
- player runs into a box
- player can now double jump
And the above script is, indeed, inside the SandBox Character, you’re casting to the wrong thing. Do clarify how it’s suppose to work.
The concept on paper was more like, NPC triggers dialogue when near, and gives buff, but there was difficulty for me for some reason getting the NPC to give the player jumps, so I had to separate the increased jumps to a collision box independent from the NPC. Hope this clarifies for anyone who finds a similar issue
there was difficulty for me for some reason getting the NPC to give the player jumps
What exactly is stopping you from: Get Pawn
→ Cast
→ set Max Jumps Count
when the dialogue starts / ends? Also, wish you answered the question:
Can you confirm which blueprint the above script is in?
Because this is probably as trivial as casting to the right thing. I feel the script is in the player BP, but you’re also casting to the player BP…
I’m not so experienced as to understand the specifics, and I’ve changed it since but I believe the BP was part of an NPC, specifically the collision box child of the NPC, a player character that was stripped down to basic animations and given a child collision box that I tried to use to set player character jump count. Maybe I could do it the way you suggested? I didn’t do Get Pawn and I’m unfamiliar with that, I am new to the Engine and rushing to produce something before the end of the year thankfully it’s just a simple 3d platformer but fingers crossed it turns out as well. I am currently struggling to make the animations sample pack vaulting work in multiplayer, everything seemed to be going so well, but when I open two instances of the game, host, and then join, the instance that joins can’t climb, they play the animation but there is no succesful warping or locking the root to the animation, and on the host instance there’s no animation played for the other player at all, can provide more details if needed should there be any help, I will make a new thread for it.
So what I would actually suggest- both to help you figure out the problem yourself, and to expand your knowledge of the unreal fundamentals- is to do this tutorial before moving on with your project. I have had tons of people do this and come out of it with a much stronger overall understanding of the engine, PLUS so much of it can be transferred to your project as you create a 3D platformer as part of it.
As far as the multiplayer- That’s a whole different beast. Usually you want to get a game under your belt before attempting multiplayer. Learning replication (what to send to the server, redistributing to the clients, and how to program it) will be quite a task at your level. *I’m not saying don’t do that, but I am saying it will be substantially harder for a first game.
it seems that a 40 minute tutorial sets up a simple lobby hosting process, atleast one that piggybacks on steam / existing networks. Sure enough I was able to host / connect on the mentioned free system I put in my project, it’s just somewhere somehow the pawn spawned and the vault mechanics aren’t communicating properly, and yes I know, but when everything is over your head nothing is off the table, I’ll look at the demo but making a game solo is so time consuming, even if it’s just a 3d platformer and nothing else.