Collision between Chaos Vehicles and Instanced Meshes

Similar to UE-153368

In Unreal 5.0.3, it is recommended to use Level Instance Blueprints (e.g. MegaAssemblies) and Instanced Static Meshes for large worlds - even building terrain using large assemblies of instanced static meshes instead of using the Landscape System (as per Valley of the Ancient).

However, when using vehicles e.g. Chaos Wheeled Vehicles, they do not respect the collisions of Instanced Static Meshes, and thus do not drive on the terrain. Apparently the ray casting of the wheels does not see Instanced Static Mesh collisions.

It has been recommended to change C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\ChaosVehiclesPlugin\Source\ChaosVehicles\Private\ChaosWheeledVehicleMovementComponent.cpp where there are two instances of this line ECollisionChannel SpringCollisionChannel = ECollisionChannel::ECC_WorldDynamic; and to change them to reference ECC_WorldStatic instead of ECC_WorldDynamic and then recompile the project with a modified version of the Chaos Vehicles plugin in the local plugins folder of the project.

This is extremely clunky, and the solution was difficult. Is it possible to update the Chaos Vehicles plugin to see Instanced Static Meshes by default?


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