This is for a school project and we are very new to Unreal. We are using Unreal 5.3.2 and trying to create a game in VR using the VR template.
My group is trying to create a map for a video game with simple obstacles (static boxes) in it just as a test map. However, when actually running the game from the editor, the collisions are shifted from where the obstacles are visually. The same thing happens with some of the walls in which the player hits the wall despite being a foot away from it, but then they can also walk inside of the opposite wall. We have already checked that these collisions are indeed happening with the walls and obstacles by printing out the actor name that the player is hitting or overlapping with.
In the editor, there is nothing off visually and making the collision bounds visible does not help since everything seems to be where they should be. We have tried rebuilding, avoiding resizing of the map, different obstacle placements and we have started a whole new project from scratch; but, no matter what we do or search up, this issue of misaligned collisions and meshes continues to persist. Any help, advice or direction with this would be much appreciated as we have been stumped by this for weeks now.