Collecting data from nested structure taking a really long time to load.


I’m basically looping through a nested structure to get all the booleans, But it’s criminally slow.

EG1. Literally cripples it. If I disconnect that section, it speeds up to almost nothing. Disconnecting the increments and connecting eg1. Still slows it down massively. So as far as I can work out its not the increments causing it.

As soon as it remotely touches that EG.1 bridge even with nothing after it. 10-15 seconds of waiting ensues.

Is there a more efficient method of gathering data from a struct?


… Either I have no words or I’m so stupid that I’ve made a glaring obvious mistake that looped itself.

But I just bypassed it by splitting it into 2 sections using a local variable, and then used the variable to filter and create the count…and now it works immediately. Even though it’s essentially the same Thing.

To be honest, I’d of thought this would be less efficient, but I guess here we are.

If anyone could explain this Itd be super thankful. I literally have no idea why this takes it from 10-15 second load time to what feels like nothing.