Hey guys im trying to create a feature in my game that counts up on screen everytime the character collects a piece of tnt with a total of 3. Shown below is the blueprint within the tnt asset that I tried to implement. However, when I play the game and collect the tnt it constantly says " 1 out of 3 " no matter how many you collect. I have to implement this via blueprints as im working at college and cant download Visual Studios.
Thanks in advance!
begin overlap Other Actor should be plugged into the cast to FPSCharacter, the way you have it set up now would be triggered by anything that hit it, not just a player.
the reason your number is not counting up is because you are destroying the TNT, which owns the TNTCollected integer.
you should have the player controller own the TNTCollected variable, and update it when it hits a TNT actor instead of having the TNT update when it hits a player. that way, when you destroy the TNT actor, you don’t destroy the collection count variable with it.
Ahh thanks for the help, ive managed to sort it out! <3