Collaborative Viewer Template: Rotating an actor with the Transform Tool

Hey guys, I have been using the Collaborative Viewer Template,
and I need to add the ability to rotate an object on its axis during runtime.

There is already a transform command that has Move, Reset, and Reset All but I also need to be able to rotate the actor that gets picked up.

Inside the BP_Desktop_FlyMode_Pawn, I found an input called PushAndPull that brings the actor closer or further away, and that transform is affected by a variable ‘Transform’.

The variable is inherited from its parent ‘BP Transform Component’, so I cant edit it. When I go into BP Transform Component, I cant find anything that would affect BP_Desktop_FlyMode_Pawn, so I get stuck on what I should do next.

What I wanted to do was change how the transform works by making it rotate the object by 45 degrees left or right.

Has anyone managed to figure out how do this, and could give me some help?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile: