[COLLABORATION: REV SHARE] Join me in creating a Souls-like / Horror / Extraction Shooter Game

If you have been trying really hard to get a job in the industry, but you lack the decades of experience everyone is asking for for a junior role, and you are very talented in what you do, this opportunity is for you!

I’m looking for talented illustrators, 3D artists, animators, environment designers, and Blueprint developers to team up with and make this game a commercial success and the start of something bigger.

I kicked off this game project during the pandemic. After building a basic prototype, I decided to start from scratch to add multiplayer capabilities. Now that I’m almost done rebuilding the main combat mechanics, I’m excited to bring together a team to keep developing the game into its Alpha version. Eventually, I want us to become a game studio.

Click on the following links if you want to know more details about the game.

Website: https://borealisdescent.com/

If you liked my game concept and you’re interested in teaming up with me, don’t hesitate to send me an email and share with me your availability.

I’d love to work with developers in Australia, especially those in Sydney because it’ll be easier for us to collaborate without dealing with different time zones, but if you are located somewhere else, I am sure we will find a way to make it work.

Email: borealisthegame@gmail.com
Subject: [Collaboration], desired role, your name, location

Let’s build something amazing together!


Hi @MEXpartan,

That’s one of the most impressive and inspiring recruitment videos I’ve seen. I need to step my game up LOL. I highly encourage you to specify if this is a paid / unpaid / royalty / rev-share opportunity.

I’ve had many only 3 parties interested in my “royalty” collaboration offer and I’ve been recruiting for years. Possibly due to my not-so-pretty recruitment vids. haha.

I would definitely join you if I wasn’t working on my own games. I’m open to the possibility of skill-swapping. I need 3D Parts. I do Multiplayer Blueprints Subsystems. Modding Marketplace assets in the interim.

Wish you great success with your Campaign.

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Hi @TechLord, thank you so much for your compliments and for your advice. I will reach out to you next week to look into how we could help each other out.

Sent you an email. I’m interested, if you are still looking for artists.