When I press the new game button in Unreal Engine, after opening the level, it should close the menu and hide the cursor, but it doesn’t work. The command is:
But if I remove open level;
The codes are working, the menu is closing and the cursor is hiding.
How to I fix it?
i think you should move open level to the end after show mouse…
ok try this: use only open level after click then open the new (level blueprint) and at event begin play put the rest of your “codes” (show mouse …)
I want to hide menu after click to new game button.
It’s just like @anonymous_user_d774775f1 said, open level has to go at the end of the chain…
Can you show the code now?
The problem is that if there is an open level the other codes don’t work.
When you use ‘open level’ EVERYTHING gets thrown away. So it’s like you’re just opening that map in the editor.
So whatever settings you have for widgets and mouse in THAT level, will still happen.
If you want stuff to look different in FirstPersonExampleMap, you have to fix it in the level BP of FirstPersonExampleMap.
YES! It’s worked! Thanks.
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