Log: bChannelServerEnabled == true
Log: Set login Address: []
Log: Initializing Engine Completed
DevMovie: Starting memory preloaded movie...StartGame ()
DevMovie: Playing movie [StartGame]
DevMovie: Channel map: 0/1/2/3/4/5
Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 17.30s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
DevMovie: Unmute bink movie
Log: Port 7777 has now removed in the firewall.
Log: Port 7778 has now removed in the firewall.
Log: Port 7779 has now removed in the firewall.
Log: Remove Authorized application D:\Code7\Engine\Binaries\Win32\CodeGame.exe is now enabled in the firewall.
Log: UIInputConfiguration_0: received notification that LV_LOBBY is being unloaded. Clearing references to all non-native classes
Exit: Preparing to exit.
Exit: Game engine shut down
DevMovie: Stopping movie StartGame
Exit: Windows client shut down
Exit: XAudio2 Device shut down.
Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
Log: Shutting down FaceFX...
Log: FaceFX shutdown.
Exit: Exiting.
Log: Log file closed, 03/05/17 00:23:11
guys i need help cuz when i run the server in this mode since in normal mode i have some GFX Errors
so i did bat file and his content : CodeGame.exe pcserver -log