Code Errors following the Intro to Programming Video

I am following a tutorial on programming. Specifically the Intro the Programming Tutorial found here.

I have written the code which the video creates during the ‘powerup’ part of the tutorial.
However when I go to build I am getting a number of errors.
It’s failing to include the “Powerup.generated.h”. As it apparently cannot find the file.
This, as it’s name suggest is created upon using the in editor “Add code to projection” functionality.

Another error I am getting is it is it doesnt know what the EditDefautsOnly value is in the UPROPERTY(EditDefautsOnly, VisibleDefaultsOnly, Category = Powerup); function.

There is also a number of undefined intellisense errors which I assume can be ignored.

Is this a linker error or something more sinister?
Or alternatively am I just retarded…

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Thanks :slight_smile:

Same here.

I had the same problem with the “Powerup.generated.h”. I first used the editor that comes with the Unreal Engine Launcher. I think it is then when I wasn’t able to compile. So I guess having the full engine source is the only way to compile - don’t know. I downloaded the full source and build. I then used the editor from my build and created a new project and followed the tutorial. This time it compiled fine.

Intellisense gives a lot of errors. Oddly in the “Getting started guide for programmers” it is suggested to disable the Errors windows and to look for errors in the Output window. I can’t use intellisense and I’m unable to memorize the API so for now I’m out of luck and unable to do anything with the engine.

Let me know if you figured out the intellisense problems.

might wanna try posting in the answerhub:

well just from looking at UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, VisibleDefaultsOnly, Category = Powerup); function.

you have a spelling error, forgot the l in defaults

Interesting because I was using the compiled Unreal Engine, what debug setting are you using, Development Editor or Debug Game etc etc.

Thanks :D, was quite late when I was doing the tutorial. Appreciate the help.

I used the default one “Development Editor”. The editor seems to keep the project binary in memory so you have to close it before you can build.