co-ordinate system setup

I’ve been getting a little confused with how this works.

last test I did with rc, its did great job aligning all the cameras. based off gps points, the model appears in rc as level and correct in the viewport. but when i go to export it, its looks like its outputing the wgs 84 rotation.

I’ve tested a few different setup with projection co-ord: wgs 84, output coord: local. as well as local, local. but both seem to be doing the same thing.

ideally I want my output to be a custom one based of mga zone 55, gda 94. but offset to zero my site. (I like to be able to import one from global mapper).

I don’t like the define ground plane method, i’d rather have it based of gps points, and coordinate transforms.

it will be important for my workflow to get everything positioned in rc before export. because i plan bring models back into rc after they have been edited/remade for texturing.


Hi Chris

for the coordinate system:

you can set it per GCP and can set export coordinate system

but try first if the exported coordinates are not too BIG for the externall aplication, as thsi is very common issue why the coordinate systems are not used outside CAD sw solutions

I haven’t set up with ground control points yet. so think that’s probably the issue. though I’m a bit confused since it looks correct in the viewport but wrong rotation on export.

I’ve just tested a small reconstruction of a wax model. (shot outside with gps)

I though i’d use the define ground plan to level it out. I got it to where i was happy with it. exported it, and it came in a complete different rotation from the rc viewport.

I had it set to Project: wgs84 Output: local

may main issue is that i’m getting a different result on the export as i see on screen.

I seem to have this working better now.

setting project to gda94 - zone 55. output to local.

I’m now getting better results (along with flip xy on import to 3dsmax).

also do you need to update / align images for this to update?

Hi Chris

I seem to have this working better now.

setting project to gda94 - zone 55. output to local.
= OK

I’m now getting better results (along with flip xy on import to 3dsmax).
= OK, what can understand with better results ? :smiley:

also do you need to update / align images for this to update?
if change just output system then not need to do anything

ok back to being confused again :slight_smile:

I’m just working on a number of different things, all working a little different.

so the model that i had working (while flipping it on import). was from a heli run that didn’t have any gps points on it.

all the ones i have with gps, I’m getting a model with a different rotation than what i see in rc.

I think some how its just using the wgs-84 world co-ordinates rotation. (still moved to 0,0,0). and since i’m in australia, i’m getting an upside down model.

Hi Chris

so the model that i had working (while flipping it on import). was from a heli run that didn’t have any gps points on it.
= so its orientation was OK or not ? :smiley:

all the ones i have with gps, I’m getting a model with a different rotation than what i see in rc.
= so when have GPS info the exported orientation is not right ?
= try on export set PRESERVE COORDINATES to FALSE
= in end effect the exported rotation is OK or not ?

I think some how its just using the wgs-84 world co-ordinates rotation. (still moved to 0,0,0). and since i’m in australia, i’m getting an upside down model.
can send ONE dataset, not big say 50-100 imgs to so can take a look on the issues ?

the one without gps worked fine.

I have been setting perserve coordinates to false (at least on last few exports)

this isn’t a huge problem while i’m working on smaller models, and its not to bad to rotate in max.

but when i start outputting higher quality models and saving in parts. its going to make it much harder. also when i was to remodel things in max and be sending things back and forth it will be a problem.

once i sort this out, along with figuring out how to avoid having my model enclosed (i’ve been a bit lazy with reconstruction area though doing more with that now). I’ll be able to get the vrmesh workflow going a lot better.

I’ll see how i can go about sending a set, my current smallest one is about 800 photos, so i’ll need to grab a smaller area.

ok so i’ve been looking at this more.

project: mga gda94 zone 55
output: local

PRESERVE COORDINATES to FALSE = moves model to 0,0,0
PRESERVE COORDINATES to True = looks like keeps position at mga gda96 zone 55 co-ordinates

still my rotation is wrong, but i’m starting to understand a bit more about the options mean.

so i want it set to false.

I’ll see if i can work out and area that i can send. i just did a small area, but it still wanted to select 680 cameras so i’ll need to find a different spot.

Hi Chris

In short about you workflow:

you create geo referenced model
export for editing in external app
load back cleaned processed model
create texture
use in GIS aplication for generating orthos ??
or use in CAD sw to create plans ?

asking as want get your workflow and see what can be improved for easier work…

basically that’s it.

though my main output is going into 3dsmax for visualizations and animations (so that needs to be near 0,0,0). but i would also like to create geo-referenced ortho maps that can go into civil3d or global mapper.

there may be a point too that i want geo-referenced models, though that would have to be still at near 0,0,0 and have a csv file that places each part at its geo-referenced point. but I’m not really interested in doing that now.

in the past i’ve worked with global mapper to prepare gis info for 3dsmax, by saving out projection file for mga gda94 zone 55, and then editing that in a text editor to adjust the false northing and false easting to offset that back to the center point at 0,0,0.

Ideally i’d like rc, 3dsmax, global mapper all in the same local space. because I’d also like to bring in tree data sets have so i can replace trees done in rc with high res 3d models. as well as any other cad information

though I think rc project and output co-ordinates really should cover that pretty well. its really just controlling its rotation, and having them different between viewport and saved obj that i’m having issues with.

maybe I’m just having these issues because i haven’t added any ground control points.

I’ve found the info panel.

I’ve attached a screen shot. under rotation i think its start to make a bit more sense.

its looks like rc is adjust the model/viewport so it looks correct by adjusting the yaw/pitch/roll.

but i think whats happening is when it gets exported to an obj files those arn’t baked in.

dose this sound correct?


though my main output is going into 3dsmax for visualizations and animations (so that needs to be near 0,0,0). but i would also like to create geo-referenced ortho maps that can go into civil3d or global mapper.
= OK
look on the ORTHO tools the BBox set “projection” so can make very easy way orthos even from inside of buildings and etc
try it out and save time to play with it in 3ds max…

there may be a point too that i want geo-referenced models, though that would have to be still at near 0,0,0 and have a csv file that places each part at its geo-referenced point. but I’m not really interested in doing that now.
= OK

in the past i’ve worked with global mapper to prepare gis info for 3dsmax, by saving out projection file for mga gda94 zone 55, and then editing that in a text editor to adjust the false northing and false easting to offset that back to the center point at 0,0,0.
= OK

Ideally i’d like rc, 3dsmax, global mapper all in the same local space. because I’d also like to bring in tree data sets have so i can replace trees done in rc with high res 3d models. as well as any other cad information
= OK

though I think rc project and output co-ordinates really should cover that pretty well. its really just controlling its rotation, and having them different between viewport and saved obj that i’m having issues with.
= OK

maybe I’m just having these issues because i haven’t added any ground control points.
= yup try it and let us know :smiley:

Hi Chris


I have the EXACT same problem - same projection and everything (GDA94 MGA Zone 55). However, I do have GCPs. When I export ortho-photos, it appears to put them into the WGS84 Geographic Coordinate system in decimal degrees (not projected coordinate system in metres).  I too want to open the files in Global Mapper and do processing before exporting to GIS. 


Did you end up resolving this issue with RC - i.e. did you figure out how to export in GDA94 MGA Zone 55?




Hello Reece,

when you select the ortho, can you please check if it was created in that specific coordinate system? You can see it in the Selected ortho photo(s) table - Coordinate system. The ortho is exported in a coordinate system in which it was created. You can define the coordinate system for your ortho before it is rendered in the Ortho Projection Tool - Info - Coordinate system.