Co-Op Auto Matchmaking?

I was able to join someone else’s co-op map from the main lobby without having to step through a matchmaking portal. It put me into a game session with 3 other random players. Is this the default behaviour for co-op maps with a team of 1 and a max of 4 players? Do I need to setup anything special?

Any ideas? This is the last thing I need to get my map into a finished state.

:wave: Hello @GarettHunter

What you are describing sounds very familiar to when a player has a friend who is playing a creative game and that friend invited them to join their lobby, and the player accepts the invite and joins, they then enter the same creative game as the friend.

Does this sound similar to your experience?

In my case, I joined the same island session with non-friends. I just selected it from the discover section and successfully matched with strangers.

Ok, thank you for the clarification. :+1:

So yes, when making your map in UEFN you will find that matchmaking has autogenerated settings


So when your map is published, anyone will be able to matchmake into your map as long as it is listed on Discovery or if they have your map code.

With the map code, the only thing they need to do is go to Discovery > then to the tab that says island code and enter in the map code. As long as your map is listed or unlisted they should be able to enter and play the game.

Keep in mind, they are only matched up with players if there are active players coming into the game during the same time they are. If, when they enter and there is no one there, then a matchmaking portal can be placed to encourage them to try to matchmake into another lobby. Hopefully this will matchmake them into another server that has players, however sometimes that isn’t always the case. Just know that there are no guarantees that there will be other players when they matchmake either way.

It all boils down to how busy your map is at that point of time. :slight_smile:

Okay, I will keep testing it and see if it works. Thanks.

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