[Co-Founder] Looking for a programmer/co-founder with UNREAL BROWSER project experience

Hey YOU,
Yes you, the potential Co-Founder.

I AM – Well as of now I wish to be anonymous in this digital world.
We are already a team of 3 people(1 from Design background, 1 from finance background, 1 from computer science background) and looking for one more person to join our team with experience from UNREAL specifically with BROWSER related projects.

Our potential project is in the field of upcoming METAVERSE with a lot of hype in this already with fb entering this field and rebranding their name to meta. I cannot mention anything more. I WOULD LIKE TO MENTION THIS IS NOT A GAMES project. If you are excited regarding this just send your portfolio/projects in discord or telegram.

I am not looking for years of experience but experience with the projects in UNREAL as mentioned above.

Telegram:- @vikingPR

I will discuss about the project in-depth after looking you portfolio.

Thanks and Regards,

Hey Viking,

In relation to BROWSER related projects, are you implying “pixel streaming’ projects”?; Whereby, an Unreal Project is placed on a server, somewhere, and users interact with the project via a web browser, i.e., Google Chrome, MS Edge, etc.

All the best,
