Hi! I updated to 4.5 only to find out there is no way to limit the framerate (bit stupid the default lock upon start isn’t modifiable in the first place), so I can not access the command “t.maxfps 60”, thus making my GPU (290x) sound like a jet engine as it pushes to keep 120fps up.
The key for opening cmd seems to be “~” . On nordic keyboards that button is replaced with “§”, which is what activates command lines in games like Battlefield 4 & Skyrim. I have tried pressing (¨) (alt gr + ¨ (which produces “~”)), (§) and (shift + § (produces ½)). SO I have to believe this is a bug, and I certainly hope you give us a hotfix fairly soon?
Btw. “§” is “not properly formated” by answerhub tag system?