CM Components - WalkableFloorAnlge Collision errors.

Hello my fellow nerds,

I have a issue with the Character Movement Component that comes with unreal.
When I walk down a angled slope, that then exceeds the WalkableFloorAnlge variable as I walk down, I get shot forward. I do not know why and I don’t want this behaviour.

Here are some videos to showcase the issue.

It works on non transitional surfaces by which I mean, a surface that abrubtly exceeds the WalableFloorAngle but not on one that slowly gets steeper as I walk down.

Changing the WalkableFloorAngle is also not an option since I do need my values for specific uses.

Many thanks,
Fabian F.


Character Movement Component → Can Walk Off Ledges

Walking off ledges has no involvement regarding this behaviour.

Thanks to the UE5 Community Server I figured out a hack.
This behaviour is caused by collision sweep.

To avoid this I simply run this function at every tick.

And I get the current slope angle by doing this:

I recommend to combine the code of finding the current slope angle with the hack.
As for me, I have it seperated for one reason or another but it should not affect the outcome.

Many Thanks,
Fabian F.