chris wrote:
has anyone tried the gpu part local and cpu on aws (or similar)?
I’m mostly looking for high amount of ram. 256gb - 1tb+.
looks like you can get it on aws with 64-128 cores. but that’s a bit of a waste.
dose anyone have suggestions other than aws?
Well remember RC only works to 32 cores and 3 GPUs; I think the networking bit is the most exciting for scalability and performance potential.
I’ve got RC running on this in AWS:
Model GPUs vCPU Mem (GiB) SSD Storage (GB)
g2.8xlarge 4 32 60 2 x 120
It ran well, but not faster than my machine at the time (4x4Ghz [6700k], 32GB of RM, 980 ti). I think AWS binds those GPUs to the instance, but they are older, and as Wishgranter noted a while ago, you lose a lot in GPU and CPU performance on the cloud generally, especially when talking about AWS.
I helped design and managed some small keplar accelerated GPU cloud networks for VDI, and it jives with the experiments I ran on those systems.
With this sort of stuff and VR stuff, the systems are SO taxed that I think you’d have to build your own render farm - there are parts of a revenue model I’m looking into that would render for other entities, but I’d be wrapping that service with 3D modeling and other workflow commitments way before I would consider opening it up for someone who wanted access to a render farm. Margins are really, really small in cloud computing endeavors, and generally the one with the most investment or capital (AWS) wins out. Right now there isn’t enough demand for these sort of systems.
I do have something I’ve been thinking about, however… NVidia will be launching a new gamestreaming service - if I read it right, it’s less their old ‘rent a game and you can play it’ as it is ‘upload your steam game to a dedicated machine that you rent out per hour’. Right now a machine (CPU and RAM aren’t listed yet) with a 1080 looks like it’s going to be USD $2.50-$3.00 an hour. Again, wouldn’t beat the machine under my desk, but might pull me out of a fire in a pinch or two…