Clothing Simulation Curtain Issue

Hi guys!

I have a question regarding Chaos Clothing in Unreal Engine 5.

I’m trying to make a dynamic curtain asset which will interact with the player when he walks through it.

It is very simple geometry and some texture work from Substance Painter.

After painting the weights, simulating causes the flaps to simply blow upwards for some reason? I have been unable to find a mention of this anywhere :frowning:

Any idea what this could be caused by? Changing settings in the Cloth Configs doesn’t seem to fix the issue, but I might be missing something very obvious!

Thank you very much in advance!

Okay, I figured out the solution for anyone else that might be struggling with this!

The issue was caused by a large capsule inside of the physics asset.

You just simply select it, delete it and your cloth object should work perfectly!

Here is a video that helped my solve this issue.

Look at around the 9 minute mark.

Try the same process shown here for high detailed paint work.

Surely they didnt actually change much of anything for better or worse. So even if the UI is different, the innerworkings are probably identical.

Also, for a curtain you want to decide a few things:

  1. do you need it working on phys x also?
  • If yes, then you need to approach the model way different. It needs to be animdinamics reactive to interact with things. Its not just cloth.
  • if no, then a sheet with no bones will work.
    Follow the same rules for flags when painting the vertex color.
    To be able to freely float and not distort, each vertex has to be appropriately colored so that the final value returns its exact lenght (distance from first vertex of the same line) from the top.

Usually, you color the thing in a gradient fashion. Thats going to cause distortions.

Id sugfest getting the math right.

Overall lenght / number of vertical verts, * the vertrx its on.

Scale it down to 1 by normalizing the result or using ratios.

1/overall lenght as the initial value will get you the right stuff.

Hi MostHost!

Thank you for your reply, I appreciate your time.

I’m using 5.2, so no PhysX for me I don’t think?

I managed to get it to work by setting the player’s Capsule Component to WorldStatic.

It works really well and the performance hit is basically none, to my surprise!

But I ran into an issue with how the collision reacts to the player’s Capsule.

I made a separate BP with another Capsule, also set to World Static, and it works perfectly!

But when I use the player’s Capsule, set to the same settings, it interacts very oddly?

Any idea what this could be caused by?

Thank you in advance!

Seems like the collision of the phat asset pieces is colliding on itself.

I don’t get how, since you made this entierly with cloth.

Maybe there is something else colliding with it inside the character?

Hey, Host!

I have made another thread to ask around and I actually figured out what it was caused by:

You can check out the solution, if you’re interested.

Thanks for the help!

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