When using the Clothing Tool, I want the material to flow over the avatar body, so I try to shape the collision capsules to the avatars legs and arms accordingly. I make them “Tapered” for cloth and all is well. My question is, can I make a physics model that uses the characters actual shape in order to get a near perfect simulation? Just need a point in the right direction, Thank you!
Per default the engine creates a Physics Asset for the character on import (see image) which defines how the cloths work through the blue “Physics Bodies”.
In case your character has no PA you can create one by right click on the character mesh - create - PA
You can resize, deform the physics assets in case it is not properly aligned with the actual mesh.
Also make sure the character mesh has the correct Physic Asset assigned (see image).
You can also share PA’s among similar proportioned characters.
On the Market Place are a few optimized PA packs, which may also be interesting to checkout.
Thank you for this reply. It helps me a lot as well.
Thanks, as stated in the question, making a PA (Physics Asset) is not an issue. I even adjusted the default collision shape to be tapered cylinder as to accommodate the cloth simulation. My question was how can I (or if) use the character shape, not collisions cylinders - there is a big difference in terms of how a material collides with a character body.
Perhaps tick the option “Per Poly Collision” (see image above).
Thanks, Per Poly Collisions and advanced collisions are set in static meshes. This is a character and has no static mesh. This is where I am blocked. When importing a character with animation I am limited to the collision model which is for the character. Any ideas to lift this road block would really help.
Per Poly Collision can be set on a Skeletal Mesh → Physics panel → Enable Per Poly Collision
You are in a “Blueprint”, select the Skeletal Mesh you have added to the BP.
Im not in a blue print, I imported this asset from Daz3D then added cloth in the skeletal mesh. I am placing the animation in a level sequence once done.
The real answer to your inital question is No.
Ue4’s implementation of nvidia cloth is more of a jokes than anything.
They well and truly fumbled almost all aspect of it, ignored white papers, ignored the nvcloth parameters and did whatever the heck they thought would work, which obviously it doesn’t.
If you need to simulate cloth in sequencer, animate the cloth in a DCC. Export it as an alembic geometry cache.
That should already be OK, but you can also apply a 1cm cloth paint to it and see if it looks better or worse.
Since you do not need runtime, do not use runtime solutions (that won’t work anyway) for this.
You can actually have a look at this for characters.
It’s very basic.
Thanks for the advice, I have worked with Unreal for 5 years now and can tell you that 50% of the solution is to be in the right state of mind. It is all achievable, just a question of finding the right route.
If by that you mean wasting man hours on making stuff that should just work actually work just because the Qality Assurance team no longer exists and no one tests the latest release but us.
Otherwise work with a better engine.
Plenty of choice, some of which doesn’t require literally wasting man hours on fixing issues that should never be issues.
Still doesn’t change the base problem.
Don’t try and use real-time solutions when you do not need a real-time solution.
That’s the same for any engine…