Clothes won't collide with physics asset capsules

So, I’ve learned how to use cloth physics by assigning them to only a certain material. A new problem I have now is that the bottom of my character’s gi doesn’t collide with my character’s capsules when I move or ragdoll it. Has anyone else faced this problem? If so, does anyone know how to fix this?

In blender, you have to set the unit scale to 0.01 and then scale your armature to 100. Once that’s done, unparent all the meshes from your armature and keep the transformations so that it doesn’t bug out on you, apply all the transformations and then reparent them with empty groups so that it doesn’t reset the weight paint groups. Once that is done, export your character with the usual settings to Unreal Engine and it should be fixed now. The good sign is when you can scale your capsules smaller than your character’s limbs without replacing bodies.

IMPORTANT: Also make sure to apply the transformation to your armature too before reparenting your other applied meshes.

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