Clothes On Character Doesnt Work Properly When In Standalone Mode But Does In PIE. NEED HELP!

Hey so this is the issue I have and i have zero clue how to fix it. There is cloth simulation going on. But the real kicker is that this glitch only happens in standalone game but not in PIE. Really need help here because i am looking to package up my game and this will be stopping me to do so. Find also attached the way it looks in PIE. Another thing to add is that it doesnt happen whenever the character is moving it is only when the character is stationary. I hope that helps.

I will also attach the physics body as that was what i thought it was but ultimately not.

This is also a metahuman with custom clothes maybe that could help with the issue.

Please Help me with this issue as im having a rough time with it.

As a general note, you have way too many capsules in there. Theres a hard limit for cloth to respond to those anyway so it likely just ignores the whole asset.

As far as a possible bug goes,
Try to make sure you are building for the final release and not for debugging or anything like that.
Instead of testing standalone launch the final exe manually to test.

Aside from that, it could have to do with bones being culled from metahuman out of beta/demo.
If so, That’s what you get for using epic’s trash in your projects folks! :stuck_out_tongue:

If that ends up being the cause, you can probably bypass the issue or at least get the same result in pie by setting up a single LOD with expressly set up bones. Assuming its the main character it will never LOD anyway.

Other possible things to look at…

  • missing masterpose component linkage (node was renamed).
  • Wrong cloth settings for simulation.
  • Different PHAT on cloth definition.
  • Colliding objects attached to character or present in base pose.

Hey mate so i didnt touch anything and after getting fixed a few errors in packaging i can confirm this issue does not happen when project is packaged. So it just happens in standalone game.

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Sound like you either have something spawning in on top of the character while in debug mode,
Or that the engine is building an executable that has sruff you did not ask it to include when you run standalone.

Could be something you’d file a bug report for. But theyd want your project to see/replicate…