I have confirmed that the clothes mesh in intact throughout the model. I just need a way to push / pull and move the different meshes independent of each other. Is there a way to do this in engine?
I would suggest just removing the belt.
If it’s never visible, it really shouldn’t be present.
If it’s made as integral part of the jeans mesh, you could still edit the mesh - just select the material (hopefully) to delete the faces.
If the faces aren’t set to a specific material, then in the UV editor you can load the model texture and manually select the uv sections to remove.
The other thing…
Is CCC using cloth simulation? If it’s not, and the engine has cloth set up on the shirt, then the clipping is not visible in ccc because it’s not simulating.
If it is simulating, then there’s 2 things possible: one is that the ccc simulation is a lot better than unreal (and that’s very, very possible).
The other is the cloth parameters/paint getting imported is incorrect.
Aside from those,
The only possible way to have cloth collide against the belt is for the whole character to use a single material, and for the cloth to use Self Collision.
You will still get artifacts and clipping from time to time…
Because ue4 stock doesn’t use the backstop nvcloth parameter…
I’m still new to UE and this response will take me a bit to digest fully.
The belt is, in fact, part of the jean mesh.
I believe that CC is using cloth simulation. Not certain, though. The cloth does not appear to respond to wind.
For my purposes, a solution that does not include deleting face, while also maintaining separate materials, would be best.
Unfortunately nothing of the like, because Ue4 doesn’t implement the Nvidia Backstop parameter correctly.
You can try to get the belt to adhere perfectly to the size of a capsule component plus a sphere to sort of “fake” it with PHAT collision.
That almost never works, and even worse, takes up a capsule component extra.
Cloth only supports a limited amount of collisions when using editor assets.
What you can do to try to get things right, is to import Apex Cloth made assets directly.
You’d have to find and download a copy of the NvCloth tools, learn how to use it, and generate the files with it.
If you think understanding the answer is complicated, using that tool is essentially the same as planning a mission to Mars with a paperclip and a rubber band… (but it is a possibility…)
For the record, I don’t think the answer was complicated, but it is referencing options within UE that I’ve never used before.
Anyway, this can’t be “it”.
Has this not come up before with UE?
All the games out there with swappable clothes and this has never received a practical solution?
Is there no way to treat the clothes as a non cloth object, yet still cling to the character like armour or something?
Games are all made with smoke and mirrors.
90% of the time AAA titles have really bad clipping and people just ignore it.
Heck stuff like Assassins Creed has metal armors that squish and move around with character breathing, so You care because you aren’t a *ss.
Apparently everyone else on the planet that makes games (particularly epic) doesn’t care / has never cared.
Nvidia tried. they made tools. they gave code free of charge. People tossed it or caused it to become obsolete.
Yes, there is ofc. you just remove the cloth from the item.
then it’s just a skeletal mesh like anything else - it will only deform based on the bones.
Not unless you know C++ well and are wiling to actually implement it.
I don’t even think you’d find a CPU gems article or any white paper of any kind on how to do this properly. You’d need about a year of experience with character modeling in the first place, just to know how to handle the layers from an art standpoint.
You are right though - someone should at the very least write a ■■■■ white paper on it… with samples…
Removing cloth, open the clothing item, activate the selection tool, right click the item and delete clothing data.
Positioning vertex…
In a pinch you can produce a texture, Multiply it by some value (like 3, as 3cm should be plenty of distance) and plug it into the proper material pin (world offset).
World offset seems to reposition the mesh along a 3d axis (away from the character), but not out from the main mesh, if that makes sense.
In any event, I may have found my solution.
CC has a mesh editing feature (which would be a nice-to-have) in UE. If I add some bulk and padding to the problem areas I can so far reduce the overlap. By fine tuning it, I’m sure I can deal with the rest. Again, would be great to do this in-engine.