Cloth sim driven by proxy mesh doesn't work on player character?

Hey guys, I’m having an issue with simulating cloth on an asset for my character. It works when the clothing data is created from the actual mesh itself (a necktie), but when using clothing data created from a proxy geometry it doesn’t work. Here’s a quick video demo of the problem. Really hope someone can help!!

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I got to the bottom of the issue, posting here in case anyone else runs into this later!

The issue was the skeletal mesh for the tie is set as a child of the Leader Pose Component in the BP Construction script. For whatever reason that doesn’t allow it to drive cloth simulations from a proxy mesh. It only works if you drive cloth sim from the mesh itself.

I had to disconnect the tie skeletal mesh from the Leader Pose function, and it works right away! Then you have the issue of making that skeletal mesh follow the rest of the body since it’s no longer following the leader pose.

To solve that, I created an animation BP specific for the tie. In the animation BP, I just have it “Copy Pose From Mesh” from the main characters mesh. That got this working as it should.

This seems like a definite bug but if anyone has explanations as to why it happens, please let us know!

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Greetings @VladiPHD

I see that you were having some issues with a mesh. Were you able to get that resolved? I saw the follow up post there. If not, I’d be happy to take a look.

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