cloth render issue

hi can anyone help solve a cloth render issue? simulation looks fine up until I render and then cloth explodes.

tried setting motion blur to 1 in post processing
also anti alias overide in render queue
tried a good number of different iteration and sub division settings in the cloth properties.

nothing I do seems to fix so any advice at all would be very welcome.

UE 5.1

I am having the exact same problem. When I run the simulation and then press play in the timeline, the cloth works correctly. When I render with the legacy movie renderer, it works fine in the viewport. It’s only when I render with the MRQ, that the cloth behaves erratically and jumps all over the place. I can’t figure it out. Also, tried various cloth settings on different assets, same results.

Me too. still looking for solution

Check around @ 18 minutes here.

Is that the same problem? I came across this randomly and people in the comments said it’s directly linked to the temporal samples under anti-aliasing. So if they are set to 1, that doesn’t happen.

Yeah motion blur 1 makes better but not perfectly… i should try temporal sample 1 and off the AA settings. If it is work, I will comment here

here are some things that helped me incase they help you or anybody else!

1- make sure the location of your BP cloth is the exact same coordinate and rotation as specified in the sequencer at start point. this way the cloth doesn’t get destroyed by teleporting locations at render time from one location to another.

2 make sure whatever animation you are using on your character BP begins with a default “A” or “T” pose and then morphs gently into your ‘actual’ animation in the sequencer. that way the cloth isn’t destroyed by suddenly jumping to the position of your animation at render time

3 turn off any environment collisions you can on the cloth so it’s not unnecessarily impacted by objects in the environment that might destroy the cloth

4 be very careful with self collisions setting or turn it off if absolutely necessary

5 be gentle with wind settings

5 if cloth is rendering its movement way too fast try lowering the temporal samples in the render to some very low setting like 2


I found a solution…finally after three days.

so basically, in the sequencer in the frame rate tab, there is advanced options, and if you go in there, the frame rate is set to something totally crazy…

mine was a 24,000 FPS.

after setting it back to 24th FPS the cloth behaves normally in the render

I also read that, setting the motion blur to 1 post process volume and the camera helps

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