Cloth on a rope

Trying to add physical properties to ropes and clothes hanging on them. I was able to make them work separately, but how can I attach cloth to the rope so it could follow it’s movement and rotation? They are different elements, that’s the problem.

Add a socket to the skel mesh and attach the other to the socket. This is script not kismet. You can use the attach in kismet to attach to a bone as an alternative (not recommended if a network game).

You may need to ensure the attached object is an interp actor as well

That wouldn’t work because the rope will be able to bend, but the cloth will not, since it’s attached to a single bone.

Have multiple bones in the cloth and skin so 1 edge is not as cloth (i.e. the end attached to the rope socket). Probably also need to add the clothes as an archetype to the rope. Should work.