So…Before i go full blown hulk on unreal engine or my computer. i will put my anger aside from this rediculous issue for a moments time to ask, why. Why is this super simple and almost seemingly newbie tutorial of creating cloth not working at all. the texture stays put, but the mesh moves. I followed the documentation and multiple videos, yet no result as to why the cloth is not working. omg, ive been through every **** setting. please for the love of all creation, someone f*****answer this.
ps the mesh moves becuase i went to character, clothing, simulate character clothing. if its turned off, all you see is well, nothing
this is just so freaking dumb. everyone else isnt having an issue. well except the three people ive had try it and they too have said its not working for them either. Same results. there has to be something missing, the link we followed to do the cloth is here. UE4 Tutorial: Cloth Simulation (See description) - YouTube
Hey is anyone else having a problem deleting their skeletal mesh? I’m trying to delete this cloth sim I had going but I keep getting this error message:
SkeletalMesh /MyFilePath/Flag.Flag is in use.
Running the editor with ‘-NoLoadStartupPackages’ may help if the object is loaded at startup.
Today I found a way to get around the edit issue. If you look carefully in the cloth tool, there is a “Copy Clothing from SkeletalMesh” dropdown. This is my current workflow:
Create a duplicate of your mesh. (SomeClothMesh -> SomeClothMesh_Duplicate)
Create cloth data in SomeClothMesh_Duplicate
Do all your cloth editing in SomeClothMesh_Duplicate
When you are ready to preview. Go to your original mesh SomeClothMesh.
Delete existing cloth data.
Use “Copy Clothing from SkeletalMesh” drop down in Clothing Data tab.
Apply cloth to section
This seems to work every time. I get the impression that the copy clothing method somehow does a clean setup every time. I noticed that this even works with using a proxy mesh. That is, your duplicate could actually be a low resolution cloth and it will drive the main one. No need to use the convoluted right click workflow without documentation.