Cloth goes through collision like its nothing

Hello, my cloth goes through collision like its nothing.
I used cloth settings from Content exaples’s cloth level where silk simulation on moving legs which works perfectly.
And in my project it just goes through collision half a time not depend on anim speed…
It was created with your experimental cloth tool. Im unable to do this work in 3ds max apex plugin since exported collision from 3ds max broken as fck.

Am I missing some checkbox? please help

This is my cloth settings and legs going through collision:

This is also affecting our pipeline. We are exporting Apex cloth from 3dsMax using PhysX 3.14. The clothing collision volumes are coming in with incorrect rotation and mesh heights. They have fixed the cloth since the last update, but broken the collision in the process. Hopefully at some point they will get it all fixed. Is anyone testing this at Epic or at NVidia before releasing the updates? Why is the clothing still not working like it used to back in Unreal 4.11.

Cloth appears to be still broken in v4.25.3 :frowning: