Closing pause menu on button press

Can someone help me understand what I’m doing wrong? I have made a pause menu blueprint and have set it up so that on hitting escape it will open the menu, which it does. The problem I’m running into is I have also set it up so that it should close the menu on hitting escape, it how does not.

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In the details for this character, you need to check ‘tick when paused’ :wink:

Also, maybe, the node that is now ‘input mode UI’ might need to be ‘input mode UI & game’. Try the checkbox first.

I checked this from the start still not closing the menu is there another spot to tick when paused

Did you try the UI & game node instead?

Yes could my PauseRef variable be messed up I set the type to object class and named it the same as my pause menu widget but could something still be wrong do I need to change something in details

Ok I missed this and have it properly referenced now but still doesn’t close out the menu on hitting escape again

This node

needs to be ‘set input mode game and UI’

(post deleted by author)

Hard to tell from the photos, but I’m guessing the pause menu is a widget? In the widget blueprint, on the functions tab there’s a little drop down I believe is says override by default. Go there and find on key down, from this event you can setup functionality to close the widget on key press

That worked thank you!

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