Closet door

Can anyone help me…
How to make those two doors individually work like only one will operate at a time.

Sequence node? Or connect both to the same timeline if the curves are identical.

You will need a way to choose which door you want to operate.

I have no idea how your interaction currently works but you might start by choosing to interact with the door closer to the player.

(this function will return the closer of two scene components)

Edit: Also the flip-flop will mess your things around. You will have to make two variables (one for each door) to track both states.

Why so many scene components?
Rotate the door mesh on Z axis…not the scene.

Each door needs its own state enum (closed, opened).
Each door needs its own set of events (Open, Close).
e.g. LD Open, LD Close // RD Open, RD Close

I’d use a dedicated timeline for each, so you can quick interact and have both transitioning smoothly without issue.

Write a function to determine the new state of the given door and call the appropriate event.

IF (RD State == Closed)

  • [TRUE]-> Set RD State [Opened] → call event RD Open
  • [FALSE]-> Set RD State [Closed] → call event RD Close

Side note on interaction method.

My projects interaction is based on a line trace event in which the client has to press a key. Trace fires from camera toward center screen at what the player wants to interact with.

I have several types of doors in my game. Single Action which works like normal doors. They only open in a single direction. I also have Double Action which open in both directions. Meaning the door always opens away from the player that’s interacting. I use Component Tags on the interact collision components. Inside/Outside

You could take the same approach and have a custom BPI event to determine which door is interacted with.


You’ll have to modify your interaction setup to identify what you are interacting with so you can call the correct BPI event and pass any needed data. Gameplay Tags is the preferred solution for this. Yet, Actor Tags will also work. Especially if your project isn’t C++ based.

I’m using GameplayTagAssetInterface (C++). This allows me to retrieve tags without casting. Using the Tag I can call the specific BP Interface event for the actor type.

Because the peviot points aren’t in the corner…
Also im new to unreal and i didn’t understand anything you said :sweat_smile::smiling_face_with_tear::sob:
Do you have any recommendations on learning blueprints

My interactions are like a crosshair…

Please show us the blueprint where you call the Event On Interact. It will need to carry additional data to determine which door to open.

Also @Rev0verDrive is right, I did not think of that. You have to use two timelines to be able to interact with the two doors independently.