Close Holes doesn't work, even on small holes


I’ve created photogrammetry/lidar scan of an old church that’s become an art exhibit. The windows are stained glass, and I captured in high enough detail to recreate them fairly well. Unfortunately, there are some holes in the panes, and I can’t seem to close them. 

I’ve increased the limit to the max, 1,000,000, and still nothing. These holes would be 2-3 inches in diameter, and just won’t fill. I just tried it again with another model and very small holes, and nothing happens. Thoughts?


Hi Aerostade,

when you use Check integrity and Check topology tool, do you have some errors there?

I could be, that it is not a “hole” as for the definition.

Could you try to filter some part of your model (basically create a hole manually) and then use Close holes tool, if it will work for you?

If yes, then you will need to create these holes in windows manually to close them. 

Ah-ha! There it is. Thanks.

I’ve been changing my workflow around a bit, and I think I’ve been inadvertently closing holes before closing holes.