Cloner disappeared after re-opening Unreal 5.5.1

I was following a fantastic tutorial using motion tools and cloners, however when I went to reopen the project, I can’t get the cloner to load. I try to force reload the cloner, but it does not do anything. I am using a mac and 5.5.1. Would appreciate some help.

The same on M4 and very laggy.
Cloners do not work or may only appear after a few seconds on a new level in 5.5.1.
Only 5.4.4 works for me with good performance but I miss the new features.

I have the same problem. The cloner doesn’t work.

I’m having the same error since the release of 5.5 and 5.5.1. Even when pressing the “Force Update Cloner” button. Sometimes I have better success when I create a new level with New Open World as opposed to a new Empty Level or Basic. Here’s a video of the problem.

I guess apple users can’t complain when the platform is free. However, I do see this as a valuable product and hope this issue is resolved along with Niagara fluids that also don’t work with Apple.

same for me. Force did not work. what DID work is using the GIZMO SPECIFICALLY. like the arrows to drag rather than the outliner. drag and wiggle back and forth on a few axis. that literally made it appear.

pheew. I believed I was stupid before finding this thread. hopefully there will be an update soon…