The menu needs to snap to the edges of the screen when near them, which works perfectly fine (coded in a mixture of c++ and blueprints).
But I also need to rotate the inner circle with the dates as well as the outer quartercircle, so they are always visible to the user. But when I rotate the widgets with the angle settings in render transform this happens:
I know that it is an issue with the bounding box of the panel.
The bounding box is not rotated when the render transform is, this causes visible parts of the widget to be cut off, since the bounding box of its original orientation is outside the canvas.
Is this behavior a bug or intended? And if it is intended how do I rotate my widgets near the edges of the screen without them being cut off.
I went ahead and double checked on this issue for you and it appears that this issue’s status has not yet been updated to fixed. There is not a current time frame in place for the implementation of solution for this issue. However, I will be sure to bump up the community interest of the report for this issue. I hope that this information helps.
The way to solve this clipping problem (in many scenarios) is to decrease the sizeX and sizeY of your widget until the bounds denoted by the white points are totally inside the canvas (the widget may have to be very slightly offset so that its horizontal midpoint isnt exactly on the top edge of the canvas so that the bounds can actually be all within the canvas).
You can then resize your widget back to normal by changing the scale values (under Render Transform). As long as the bounds of the widget (as denoted by the white points) are completely within the canvas, no clipping should occur.
In this screenshot, the white points are the bounds set by changing the sizeX and sizeY and the green box is the Scale of my widget as set by changing to Scale.