Climbing movement always returning 1.0 when should be returning -1.0

I have an event that makes my character climb. For some reason, when I tried to simplify the blueprint, the character only moves up and not down. Print Strings show that all of this code is producing the correct output, but for some reason the Select Float node is still producing 1.0 There is one tick where it produces -1.0. Any idea why this is happening?

I’m because I’m a dumb dumb and didn’t need the select float at all.

Hey again @sweeetjd!

So I’m willing to bet it’s here.
I don’t know what these integer readouts are, but it looks like your runner direction is always the opposite direction of your runner.

Also there’s this:

if I were to take this code out of context I’d think the ladder uses left and right axis input?

Edit: I wasn’t fast enough on the draw! Yeah… that’s a pretty quick, efficient solution! :joy:

Thanks for the reply anyway! The game is set in an isometric view, so my brain is exploding trying to rotate everything 45 degrees, which is a big part of the problem lol

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