Client rotation doesn't match spawn point

Hello, I can’t figure this out. On my player controller begin play, it runs an event to the gamemode to spawn the player. The gamemode then gets the spawn points and then spawns the player actor, and the spawn point transform is used for the spawn transform of the actor. Location and Rotation work perfect when playing on a listen server. But only the location works on the client side, and I can’t get the client to rotate to match the player start. Any ideas?

got this fixed, for anyone else having this issue, here is the solution I found:

On Begin Play in my controller, I run a Spawn Player Event to the GameMode
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In GameMode - find a random spawn point:

Also in my GameMode - Spawn the Actor and run two events to the controller. Set rotation and Possess.

And here is how rotation and possession are done in Player Controller

Hope this helps anyone else stuggling with this!

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