Hello all this is a video demonstrating my issue. I am using advanced steam sessions to host matches and i am currently using the ue4 thirdpersoncharacter without any changes and for clients the movement is “jittery” or is that lag? could anyone help me identify what the issue might be? In the video i used the p.netShowCorrections 1 to show that obviously the client is being corrected alot but can someone tell me why? or how to fix it? Every tutorial online that shows mulitplayer movement they dont need to touch the basic movement but for some reason mine doesnt work. Thank you to anyone who even took the time to read this.
I had an issue that looked just like that, and the problem was that server and client had different values of MaxWalkSpeed. It happened when I pressed Run on the client side. The client started running, but the server movement speed was still that of Walking, and it would bounce the character back just like in your video. Check the MaxWalkSpeed values, and if you change them at runtime on client, you should simultaneously change them on the server.