Client leaves session but can re-join same session how to fix around?

Hello i have my project set up for hosting and joining sessions however if i the client decides to leave the session and search’s for sessions again and the match i just left is still playing i am able to join that session again this is not what i want as the match is already in play its a really big bug for me that i need a work around. Anyone any suggestions on how to fix this. the client destroys session on leaving match but can still join same session I don’t want this to happen.

Thanks in advance

It sounds like you need to implement some form of session management on the server-side to prevent clients from rejoining a session that they have already left. One possible solution is to use a unique session ID for each session and track which clients are currently connected to that session. When a client leaves a session, remove them from the list of connected clients. When a client searches for sessions, only show them sessions that they are not currently connected to.

I think there should be some functions or events you can use from the Game State which can help you out.

I hope someone else can chime in on this as well…

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