Client inputs not working after build on networked project...Sometimes

I’ve been trying to fix an input issue on a project I’m working on. It’s a cooperative shooter project that has been worked on by other people before, and was working correctly before.

All the inputs from the client players, be them mapped inputs or keyboard inputs, stop working sometimes after a build.

Not even on the local side I’m able to get any input to register with a printString, at all.

The server (which is not a dedicated server, but also not a client) can register inputs normally. Always.

Sometimes player input works in-editor, then I package the project and it works normally. Sometimes, after packaging, all input from the player completely stops working. If that happens, usually restarting the engine works to temporarily fix it. Cleaning the project also tends to work, but I’m not fully convinced there’s even a relation between the facts.

I can’t possibly think of a reason why this is so inconsistent.

I’m using UE 4.18.3

Thanks in advance for any help!

They connect fine, can see things happening in the world, but just can’t do anything? And will they stay connected and getting good data until you shut it down? If it’s intermittent then you must be doing RPC correctly and the input mappings must be there. Does the host see the clients when they connect? Does the host see them moving but the clients don’t see themselves moving? Did you check the logs for anything unusual during the connection process? Some of us have seen an intermittent issue but it causes a disconnect, it doesn’t just stop accepting input.

Yes to everything. They connect fine and even the hand movements are replicated correctly, but any button press is not.

Upon more testing, we were abre to verify that only motion controller button inputs seem not to be working, when detected from the player controller. Even an Xbox controller was detected properly.
When detected from the pawn, nothing works at all.

I have tested with both Vive and Oculus Rift, but it doesn’t work with either.

That’s not something I’ve worked with so I can’t be much help. It might have something to do with the order that the pawn and controller are created and attached. Like maybe BeginPlay is getting called too early so some variable (probably in another class) hasn’t been initialized yet. Good luck.