Add a Print String node after the delegate call. Does it print a message? Breakpoints + widgets + multiplayer = not the most reliable way to figure things out.
If not printed, show how you handle clicking on the widget (widget interaction component).
Widget Component doesn’t work any differently (or am I wrong? ). Are you using a pre-made character? You may not have added the component yourself, but it may already be there.
if i change the setting Space on Widget Component from World to Screen, it works fine.
But of course then it appears on player screen instead of being on the world panel
Judging by the description, this thing doesn’t always work well (unlike widget interaction)…
I did a couple of tests (in version 5.1) and apparently there is a bug where in PIE it only works in the Viewport window (it does not work in an additional window for other players), or only in the first window if you run “New Editor Window”.
If the first window is the client - it will also work for it.
If you run “Standalone Game” mode - it works in all windows.
So in a packed project it should also work, but you should check it.