Client build crashing with low level fatal error when run on other machines

I’m testing out my client build on machines other than the one used to work on the game and I keep getting the same crash after a few seconds of starting up the game. Not sure where to start troubleshooting… but it does look like it mentions a D drive directory which would only exist on the pc I used to build the game. I’ve attached the msg I get when it crashes:

LowLevelFatalError [File:D:\UE_versions\UE_532\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Util.cpp] [Line: 236]
Direct3DDevice->CreateShaderResourceView(TextureResource,&SRVDesc,ShaderResourceView.GetInitReference()) failed with error E_INVALIDARG
at D:\UE_versions\UE_532\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Texture.cpp:614

Interesting error, I play Pal World and they pushed out a small update this week and now that game won’t load. You can get to the main screen but the game itself won’t load, crashes wiht this error.
LowLevelFatalError [File:D:\works\repos\Pal_SVN\Pal-UE-App\Source\Pal\PalWorkDefines.cpp] [Line: 98] Try to Get AssignDefineId of NAME_None MapObjectId, UPalWorkDefine::GetAssignDefineId_MapObject